Schools Competition, 2005
The challenge of the workshop was to brainstorm innovations in the resettlement process for Tsunami affected countries. Immediate large-scale demands, limited materials, disrupted communities, stressed government capabilities suggest new thinking is welcome. Tapping the creativity of students from throughout the extended MIT community offered an opportunity to rethink approaches to housing disaster-affected families.
The Challenge targeted the phase after the immediate disaster needs are addressed, and the search is for more permanent housing and settlement. What can be done that bridges immediate disaster relief and permanent development? Tents are the standard quick first-response for resettlement, but they have a limited lifespan and can only be temporary. "After the tent" captures the concept of the next step, and this is the focus of the challenge.
Students from MIT, Harvard, Rhode Island School of Design, Tufts, and the Boston Architectural Center participated in 6 teams. The Challenge was carried out over a "short" week: the first two afternoons were "resource sessions" on Indonesia and Sri Lanka, the remaining two afternoons were spend in individual team mentoring, and the final presentations were Friday afternoon.