WORKSHOP: informal settlements
workshop itinerary
jan4: informal introduction and welcoming jan5: introduction, lecture series, and offical reception jan6: city tour, introduction to lima jan7: community visits jan8: groups split and meet with their ndividualcommunities jan9: -free day- jan10: Work in communities(day), and ILD Presentaion (evening) jan11: Work in communities (day), and Lecture by Arichitect Juan del Valle (evening) jan12: Work in communities (day), and meeting with faculty (evening) jan13: Work in communities and groups jan14: Work in communites and groups jan15: Work in communities and groups jan16: Gathering: Gonzalo's Ranch jan17: Development of project presenation jan18: Continual project development (day), and mock group presentation jan19: Final Presentaion, Closing Ceremony, and Reception
Four informal settlements were chosen from John Turner 1960's investigation on squatter communities in Lima, Peru. After three decades of growth since this study, a collaborative investigation was made by MIT and UNI students into the growth and development of these four similar yet characteristically different Peruvian communities.
Communities: Mendoza Merino, El Agustino, El Ermitaño, & Cuevas
jan7 08:00 informative background presentation – Mendoza Moreno (Mendocita): CEPROMUR – El Augustino: SEA 09:30 first visit to Mendocita – community representative: CEPROMUR – brief tour 10:30 first visit to El Augustino – community representative: SEA – breif tour 13:00 visit the Municipality of Independencia 13:30 presentation given by the Mayor of Independencia 14:00 presentation given by Architect Sofia Hidalgo (NGO) 14:30 first visit to El Ermitaño – community representative: Sofia Hidalgo (NGO) – breif tour 16:00 first visit to Cuevas – community representative – brief tour 17:30 return to Miraflores to assign communities to groups jan8-jan14 individual groups meet with assigned communities
Ending Ceremony
After two weeks of gathering information, meeting with communities, analyzing results and formulating propositions, the two weeks ended with a full evening of well-developed student presentations, formal recognitions and final farewells. Community members, public officials and contributing individuals alike were formally invited by the coordinators of the Workshop on this night to celebrate the hard work of all those involved.
jan19 17:00 Group Presentations – Introduction Susana – El Ermitaño Lizbeth, Jose, Cesar, Susan, Tracy, Natalie, Fracsisco – Earthquake Informative Distribution – El Augustino Cristina – Mendoza Moreno Elsie, Micheal, Abby, Gonzalo, Maya – Internet in the Barrios Sinea, Louis, Pablo – Cuevas Lucy Hu, Wendy, Jigar, Lorena 19:00 closing words: Ministro de Vivienda 19:30 closing words: Rienhard Goethert presentaion of: – Certificates of Appreciation – Certificates of Completion 20:00 Reception informal viewing of Group presentation displays 21:00 Celebration of Workshop completion
Many people were involved in the physical and intellectual execution of the Lima Workshop. The program was lucky to have a collection of such devoted faculty and staff from both MIT and UNI who worked hard to make sure the two weeks of lectures, research and presentations ran as efficiently as possible. There were also several members of the Peruvian professional community who took the time to prepare and present lectures that shared their knowledge about the historic evolution of the city and the role of squatter settlements have played in it development. Additionally, recognition must be made to all the community leaders, NGO's and local residents whose contributions were key to success of this workshop.
The workshop provided the opportunity for the diverse group of participating students from Lima and Boston to investigate the evolving urban condition of illegal settlements within Lima. Additionally each student composed individual exploration or reflection based on what they encountered during their involvement with the program.