SIGUS: Special Interest Group in Urban Settlement

Massachussetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
SIGUS Office 9-369
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Phone Number:
(617) 253-2402

Fax Number:
(617) 253-8993


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Louisiana Lift House Initiative Started | January 2006

Louisiana Lift House Initiative Started | January 2006

The New Practitioner course of SIGUS explored innovative 'lift house' designs for rebuilding coastal regions of Louisiana. The international NGO Oxfam America and the local Louisiana group TRAC have welcomed us to jointly develop concepts for housing that meet the hurrican challenges. The student team developed affordable and appropriate housing concepts that exploited stilt housing approaches built by volunteer help and 'sweat equity' of the future owners. The design focused on both 'product' and rationalization of a 'process' of construction appropriate to the largely volunteer labor.